Soltanto, Ines Morena Doni


(We translated this poem online — please get in touch if we’ve mistranslated anything, which is highly possible to the point of certainty.)

The introduction to Soltanto describes this collection of poems by Ines Morena Doni as gifts — free songs to which the reader can add their own floral images. It says that in the time that we have, there is little place for things that are only beautiful: the flowers, the smile, the caresses, a kiss, the stars. Morena purposely seeks them, loves them and gives them to others through these short, loose hymns of love.

Soltanto was picked up at Libreria Acqua Alta in Venice, Italy last autumn. While its written contents are lost in translation it caught our eye with black and white flowers dancing on the cover, these pencil drawings springing up throughout the book between poems like Conchiglia (Seashell), Notte D’Autunno (Autumn Night) and Io Ti Amo (I Love You).


The Seafarers, Stephen Rutt


Gardening on the Coast, Christine Kelway