The Seafarers, Stephen Rutt


The Seafarers (Elliott & Thompson) is Stephen Rutt’s story of his travels from a hectic life in London to the bird observatory on North Ronaldsay, the most northernly of the Orkney Islands, and along the edges of the country between the two. Here, he takes you to Northumberland on England’s north east edge for a better view of Britain’s auks, specifically the shy and chic razorbill. The book explores the part that seabirds have played in our history and what they continue to mean to Britain today.

Stephen Rutt is a birder, naturalist, feature writer and book reviewer whose work has appeared in EarthLines Magazine, Zoomorphic, The Harrier, Surfbirds, BirdGuides and the East Anglian Daily Times. He is the recipient of the Roger Deakin Award from the Society of Authors and the Saltire Society First Book Award for The Seafarers.


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